Hunkeler Peter (KIUK 3) wrote:
Many types of data sets are limited to 65 535 total tracks allocated on any one volume, and if a greater number of tracks is required, this attempt to create a data set will fail.

One could enlarge those data set if a new unit type with larger
tracks would be defined.
I admit I'm too busy (lazy) right now to RTFM but would appreciate
any toughts on this (just curious). Why do we still keep the ~55k
track size and increase only the number of cylinders? With modern
DASD subsystems it shouldn't matter, right? What are the track size
limits in z/OS? I guess it's 64k, but still this would be 16% more.

It was discussed on the list some time ago. AFAIK theoretical volume size could 
be (cyl/dev x trk/cyl x B/trk) approx. 500GB or more. However it is completely 
irrelevant, since:
a) no DASD box emulates such geometry (because of b)
b) no mainframe operating system supports such new kind of geometry.

I strongly believe that IBM folks think about it, but I have no idea what the plans could be.
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

ul. Senatorska 18
00-950 Warszawa

Sd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy XII Wydzia Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sdowego, nr rejestru przedsibiorców KRS 0000025237
NIP: 526-021-50-88
Wedug stanu na dzie 01.01.2007 r. kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA (w caoci 
opacony) wynosi 118.064.140 z. W zwizku z realizacj warunkowego 
podwyszenia kapitau zakadowego, na podstawie uchwa XVI WZ z dnia 21.05.2003 
r., kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA moe ulec podwyszeniu do kwoty 118.760.528 
z. Akcje w podwyszonym kapitale zakadowym bd w caoci opacone.

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