IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU> wrote on 11/06/2007 
03:43:57 PM:

> I'm trying to set up an instruction fetch SLIP TRAP and for the most 
> it works.  The problem I am running into is that the SLIP trap is being
> triggered outside the range that I have specified.
> The current incarnation of my SLIP looks like the following:
> Once the SLIP is issued I set up my test case, enable the SLIP and fire 
> test.  A dump is captured but it shows that the point where the dump is
> captured is at location x'17636266', well before the range I
> specified.  I've tried specifying LPAMOD as well as LPAEP, all with the
> same results.
> The instruction that I am trapping is a 'SPKA 0' while the instruction 
> is triggering the dump is an 'SVC 56'.
> Any ideas as to why this is happening?

 For a SLIP dump, use 
 to get the PSW and registers at the point where the trap matched. 

 How did you determine "the point where the dump is
captured is at location x'17636266'" ?  If you are looking
at RBOPSW, then that is the point at which asynchonous dump processing
happened to get the TCB stopped.  As Ed Jaffe mantioned, for 
environments where is is possible to stop the TCB from within SLIP PER
processing (i.e. enabled unlocked task, etc,),  ACTION=SYNCSVCD
will cause SLIP to stop the TCB before starting the dump, so that the 
dump will be captured synchronously with respect to the work unit which
triggered the SLIP trap. 

Jim Mulder   z/OS System Test   IBM Corp.  Poughkeepsie,  NY

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