> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark T. Regan, K8MTR
> Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 8:31 AM
> Subject: Time Zone and Change Management Implementation Start Times
> Our main data center is in EST. We have another data center 
> that is in CST. We will be moving the mainframes from the 
> data center in CST to the one in EST. Currently the system 
> programming staff for both data centers use the same change 
> management tool, but the implementation time is based on 
> where the change was physically being made. This was okay 
> when the mainframes were physically in two different 
> locations. Now the mainframes will be in the same location, 
> and the ones coming from CST, will still be running the local 
> time in CST. The system programmer staff for both locations, 
> which are under the same management, will still stay where they are.
> So the question is, would change request implementation start 
> times be based on the time at the physical location or the 
> local time being used on the LPAR?
> Thanks.
> Mark T. Regan, K8MTR
> CTO1 USNR-Retired (1969-1991)

If I understand your question correctly, the systems currently
physically in CST will move to the EST location, but still run as if
they were at the CST location. That is, their local time will remain
CST. The physical location in this case doesn't matter. Change control
should still work as it currently does.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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