Another issue is SHARE claiming copyright on materials. Some employers
have issues with that, and I know there are speakers who find that
particularly offensive - myself included. I choose to share what I know
with peers without charge at SHARE; that does NOT give SHARE the
ownership or copyright interest of those materials, and selling that
knowledge by charging for the proceedings CD is even more offensive.
Yes, it costs money to produce the CD, but that's the cost of doing
business if you're doing conferences. It's one of a number of major
reasons why I no longer attend SHARE meetings unless invited. 


Another observation: no other major conference I attend permits (let
alone requires) paper handouts - they get charged for the cleanup and
disposal after the conference. It's time SHARE moved on, just like the
cash bar at SCIDS. It's time. 


I like the USB pen drive idea a lot. Buying a bunch of 2G pen drives in
volume makes them about $1-2 each (just got a promo chatchkes catalog,
and that's what they list at for quantities > 1000), and gives SHARE a
nice advertising opportunity. After all, the speakers all have power
outlets for *their* laptops, and a little USB writer gadget for each
room would be a reusable item that would be good for multiple


That, plus a pad and pen is a nice compromise solution, and would be
useful after the conference as well. 



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