On Fri, 9 May 2008 13:06:08 -0700, Edward Jaffe 

>Mark Jones wrote:
>> >From an authorized assembler program, I've got just a JES jobid 
>> and need to cancel it.  This needs to work with both JES2 and JES3.
>> There are two possible ways to do this, z/OS cancel or JES cancel.  Build a
>> command and issue SVC 34.
>Are you able to use SSI function code 2 (CANCEL)? IEFSSCS has the SSOB

Yes I guess, but it isn't documented in the "MVS Using the Subsystem 
Interface" manual.  I could try to figure it out based on similar SSI calls, 
would rather use a documented interface.

I'll check into the SSOB mapping and see if I can figure it out.

Thanks for the idea.

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