>> I'm not sure I understand what you mean; if the default volume is a 
3380 and
>> the allocation is satisfied on a 3390, a larger volume, how would the 
>> allocation be increased for the larger 3390.

Found the following info in DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference 
(SC26-4920-01) in Chapter 3 (Creating the Base Configuration), Topic 3.2 
(Defining the Base Configuration), subtopic 3.2.3 (Specifying the 
Default Device Geometry): 
       When allocating space for a new data set on DASD, SMS converts 
       all space requests in tracks (TRK) or cylinders (CYL) into 
       requests for space in KB or MB.  If a generic device type such 
       as the 3380 is specified, SMS uses the device geometry for 
       that generic device to convert tracks or cylinders into KB or 
       MB.  If an esoteric device type such as SYSDA or no UNIT is 
       specified, SMS uses the default device geometry to convert 
       tracks and cylinders into KB or MB.  If the users in your 
       installations specify space in tracks or cylinder units, and 
       they specify an esoteric UNIT or no UNIT you must specify a 
       default device geometry prior to converting these allocations 
       to system-managed data sets. 
       After SMS converts space requests to KB or MB, the space 
       values are passed to the ACS routines.  The values are later 
       used to determine the number of tracks or cylinders to 
       allocate for the data set.  The default device geometry does 
       not apply to objects or data sets allocated on tape. 
       There is only one Default Device Geometry for the entire SMS 
       complex.  Default Device Geometry is an installations' 
       definition of how much space is represented by a TRK or a CYL 
       when an esoteric unit or no unit is specified. 
       The device geometry for a 3380 is 47476 bytes/track, 15 
       The device geometry for a 3390 is 56664 bytes/track, 15 
       It is up to each installation to decide what values to use. 

>From MVS Storage Management Library: Managing Data Sets (SC26-4408): 
Using Default Device Geometry: 
     In an SMS environment, you use default device geometry to convert 
track and cylinder allocation requests to bytes.  This can be used for 
both SMS- and non-SMS-managed data sets.  Using default device geometry 
isolates users from actual physical devices; the amount of allocated 
space will be consistent, regardless of which device is used. 
     If you specify a default device geometry, it will be used for a new
data set allocation as follows: 
       - When the data set is SMS-managed and a generic UNIT has not 
         been explicitly specified. 
       - When an esoteric UNIT name is specified for a non-SMS-managed 
         data set. 
       - When no UNIT name is specified for a non-SMS-managed data set, 
         and the default unit is esoteric.  If the default unit is 
         generic (e.g., 3390), then the device geometry of this unit is 
         used for space calculations. 

Ralph Kaden

z/OS (MVS) Level 2 Support - Allocation and Scheduler
(Converter/Interpreter, Initiator/Terminator, ENF, SJF, SMF, SSI, SWA Mgr)
T/ L:  8/295-4096   External:  845-435-4096
VM:  S390VM.v$i01029    MVS:  PLPSC.v$i316
External email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internal email:  Ralph Kaden/Poughkeepsie/Contr/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

William F Besnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU>
08/14/2008 10:07 PM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU>


Re: DASD Space Allocation

I'm not sure I understand what you mean; if the default volume is a 3380 
the allocation is satisfied on a 3390, a larger volume, how would the 
allocation be increased for the larger 3390.

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
Of Tom Marchant
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: DASD Space Allocation

On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 17:22:35 -0400, William F Besnier wrote:

>Situation came up on a client site where they received a very large file,
>2.988 million records, and allocate the file size at (cyl,(2500,100)) 
>unit parameter of sysda,10; the file is received across 2 volumes in 20
>extents totaling 4,331 cylinders. I am not concerned about the extents,
>I don't understand is the space allocation.

If SMS is configured with a default volume specified as 3380 and the space
allocation is satisfied on a 3390, the amount allocated will be adjusted 
account for the larger cylinders on a 3390.

Tom Marchant

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