We run TPX to manage users logging on to a half dozen different
RACF-plexes. We also use RRSF to synchronize userid/password between two of
these plexes.

1. If you have any reason at all not to merge two RACF databases, then you
absolutely do *not* want to use RRSF, a highly effective means of
'mirroring' data bases that cannot be shared for some reason. In our case,
the two systems are in different data centers but perform TPX backup
services for each other. RRSF is perfect for this configuration.

2. TPX offers a native password synchronizing function. I'm told it's an
extra cost feature, no idea how much. If this is a sufficiently large
problem that your company wants to money on it, this feature provides
maximum flexibility. For each user, you can designate any userid on each
system as belonging to that user. Synchronizing across all systems is very
simple: change the password at TPX logon, then successively log on to each
of the other systems. Regardless of the user's id on each system, TPX will
get it synchronized with the 'master' password. If you can afford this
feature, it's your best choice.

3. TPX does provide some user exits. One of them might be useful if you can
figure out how to simulate the native synchronizing function. Advantage:
it's your code, so it's cheap. Disadvantage: it's your code, so you have to
design and maintain it.

JO.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
626-302-7535 Office
323-715-0595 Mobile

             "Mark T. Regan,                                               
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          To 
             AHOO.COM>                 IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU                
             Sent by: IBM                                               cc 
             Discussion List                                       Subject 
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         TPX and two RACF systems            
             08/22/2008 07:55                                              
             Please respond to                                             
               IBM Mainframe                                               
              Discussion List                                              
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

We run a sysplex that has two separate RACF databases. One database
supports our test and development systems (3 LPARS) and the other supports
our production systems (2 LPARS). We run TPX only on one of the production
systems.  The question  has come up about using TPX to keep the users
password in sync on both RACF databases. Since the users don't always use
the same set of applications on the test side, is there some other way for
TPX use some sort of RACF interface on the test side? If not with TPX, can
the two RACF systems talk to each other, so that if the password is changed
on the production side, it propagates the password change to the test RACF

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