Hal Merritt wrote:
I have a z/890 and a z/9. I'm on z/os 1.7 with 1.9 being rolled out.
I'm confused.
Can I or can I not add an LPAR on the fly? Is this 'placeholder' LPAR a
step in the process?
No, you cannot add LPARs on the fly.
You can add LPARs "in advance", with regular (unique) LPAR names, etc. -
this is "legacy" method.
You also can add so called "reserved LPARs".
In both cases you have to add LPARs in advance.
AFAIK the difference is you can name reserved LPARs in a future.
Reserved LPAR has name of "*", until it becomes regular LPAR.
In both cases new LPAR need memory, so you should have some memory
unallocated. CPU power is also required <g> but it can be assigned
(borrowed from other LPARs) dynamically.
Channel and device assignment can be done on regular LPAR dynamically.
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland
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