On Mon, 10 Nov 2008 18:31:40 -0600, Paul Gilmartin 

>On Mon, 10 Nov 2008 15:35:26 -0800, Raymond Noal wrote:
>>If you want a private PDS/Copybook to precede your production COBOL 
copy book PDS and have it unique to each user, how about this -
>>//syslib  dd  dsn=&sysuid..pvtcobol.copylib
>>//        dd  dsn=appl.prod.copylib
>Then each user must allocate "&sysuid..pvtcobol.copylib"
>lest he get a JCL error: "DATA SET NOT FOUND".

Indeed!  I knew that but had forgotten.

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
Behalf Of Frank Swarbrick
>>Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 3:19 PM
>>I have a question that is going to keep bugging me until I ask it, even 
>>I'm fairly certain I will not be happy with the answer...
>Alas and amen.
>>Specifically, I am compiling Cobol source found in FJS.PDSE.COBOL(OBJ1) 
>>including copybooks that are found in either FJS.PDSE.COBOL or
>>The way we've gotten around it so far is to have something like this in the
>>//         DD  DSN=&CLIB2,DISP=SHR
>>//         DD  DSN=&CLIB3,DISP=SHR
>>//         DD  DSN=&CLIB4,DISP=SHR
>>//         DD  DSN=&CLIB5,DISP=SHR
>>//         DD  DSN=&CLIB6,DISP=SHR
>>and have the PROC step changed like this:
>>//         CLIB1='APPL.PROD.COPYLIB',
>>//         CLIB2='APPL.PROD.COPYLIB',
>>//         CLIB3='APPL.PROD.COPYLIB',
>>//         CLIB4='APPL.PROD.COPYLIB',
>>//         CLIB5='APPL.PROD.COPYLIB'
>>And the JCL to execute the proc would be this:
>>//             CLIB1='FJS.PDSE.COBOL'
>Or, the user could supply overrides.

I'm not sure what you mean here.  That is an example of a user override.

>>This works, but:
>>- It requires you know ahead of time (when building the PROC) the maximum
>>number of copylibs that will ever be used.
>Three ought to be enough -- ISPF only allows three and
>ISPF is never wrong.

! :-)

Does anyone out there actually use the ISPF supplied compile screen? 
Before I got involved with the z/OS stuff a co-worker had already 
written a REXX panel for our compiles for us to use, so I haven't much 
looked at the ISPF supplied ones.

>Notwithstanding Bill Waite tried to teach me, "There are
>only three nice numbers: zero, one, and as many as you like!"
>>- It seems silly to have to include the same library over and over.
>The overhead is it's allocated and opened over and over.
>A successful BLDL will never search directories over and
>over more than necessary.  An unsuccessful BLDL ... but
>why fret over performance of the error case?

I fret over everything!  :-)  Actually, I'm not all that concerned about 
the performance.  I just find it esthetically unpleasing!

>In Rexx I do this by attempting to allocate each catenand
>and catenating only those for which the allocation succeeds.
>I hate JCL!

What gets me is that there seem to be so many good things, but most of 
them don't work like I think they should.

One thing that we probably could do is have the REXX exec generate the 
entire JCL stream.  No pre-built proc at all.  I'm not excited about 
that, though, as I think it's probably easier to debug the proc.  But I 
haven't looked at the REXX exec as it is now, so who knows.


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