On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 21:10:10 +0000, Ted MacNEIL <eamacn...@yahoo.ca> 

>>I almost horked my coffee.  Following this thread from the beginning, I've 
been thinking, "Gee... I guess we're not most shops!"
>The main issue with the ENQ Reservation Value is that the default is WAY 
too small.
>The second issue is what to set it to.
>When I got involved with RACF ENQ problems, we were told to set it it to 
>The only problem with that, is no problem.
>If 200K is not enough, you have a big problem.
>If 200K is too much, it doesn't matter because the task doesn't consume the 
>It's a ceiling, not a minimum.
>Stop bitching about you are a big/small shop.
>Just do the work to see if it's required.
>Hork your coffee, or not!
>Just fix it!
>I've already been excoriated over this on another discussion group!
>I say, stop complaining and fix it!

Methinks the lady doth protesteth too much.

My reaction was not a complaint, my good man, nor any other form of 
judgement, but a slapstick response to Mark's tongue-in-cheek query as to 
how IBM came up with the sweeping generalization that "most shops run with 
a value of 50,000" and his mock offense that IBM obviously slighted his 
installation from inclusion in that group.

But then, that's what happens when you take a sound byte out of context, 
instead the whole passage, including Mark's post and my parting comment:

"Thanks for the laugh.  Excuse me while I acquire some napkins to dry my 

To wit, I say, "Slow down and buy some gas!"

Art Gutowski
Ford Motor Company IT

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