>I almost horked my coffee.  Following this thread from the beginning, I've 
>been thinking, "Gee... I guess we're not most shops!"

The main issue with the ENQ Reservation Value is that the default is WAY too 

The second issue is what to set it to.

When I got involved with RACF ENQ problems, we were told to set it it to 200000.

The only problem with that, is no problem.
If 200K is not enough, you have a big problem.
If 200K is too much, it doesn't matter because the task doesn't consume the 
It's a ceiling, not a minimum.

Stop bitching about you are a big/small shop.
Just do the work to see if it's required.

Hork your coffee, or not!
Just fix it!

I've already been excoriated over this on another discussion group!

I say, stop complaining and fix it!

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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