You guys are almost inspiring me to write up some Java code to read the SMF
data and perhaps populate SQL tables in some DBMS. Since I don't have any
good way to read SMF data right now, having something I could use would
really be cool :)

If I only had the time...

David Logan
Manager of Product Development, Pitney Bowes Business Insight
W: (720) 564-3056
C: (303) 818-8222

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 15:42
Subject: Re: insanity? process SMF with Java on non-z?

Semantics = Meaning.  Meaning is important. 

SAS data steps are not interpreted, they are compiled and executed.

Would you say that a compile-load-go PL/I job is not compiled?  That seems 
to be what you're saying, but I don't think that falls within the commonly 
accepted meaning of the term.

Jack Hamilton
Management Information & Analysis - Analytic Information Services
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
1950 Franklin Street, Oakland, California 94612
+1 510 987-1556 (KP tieline 8-427-1556)

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02/04/2009 12:45 PM
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IBM Mainframe Discussion List <>


Re: [IBM-MAIN] insanity? process SMF with Java on non-z?

>SAS data steps are compiled, not interpreted.

I run a first time SAS step.
It's not compiled when I submit the job.
It has to be interpreted, the compiled.
SAS Institute had a way to keep compiled code, but I don't know if that 
still exists.

If the code has been written and submitted without compilation, and 
executed, in one run, it's interpreted.

The rest is semantics!
Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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