>I would think it'd take a long time to redo the several thousand man-years of 
>work that MXG represents. And Dr. Merrill might get upset if you were to just 
>translate the SOURCLIB into Java or Whatever.

The WPS solution is NOT translating the SOURCLIB.
Who said we were going to do that?
Rather, it's running it with a different interpreter.

When WPS first came out, he wouldn't touch it.
Now, he says that if you have a problem with MXG using WPS, re-run with SAS 
(difficult if you don't have a SAS licence).
If the problem recurrs, he'll look into it.

In other words, it's sort of a passive support stance.

Of course, I'm just (mis-)quoting his statements on his web-site.
Go to www.mxg.com to get his direct comments; don't depend on mine. 
Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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