
> The only problems with MXG on a non-mainframe platform is network capacity
> get the data down) and disk capacity (to store the data).
> While the disk is cheaper than mainframe disk, it still has a non-zero

As you have read on the MXG list, storage is not such a big problem. Gb
Ethernet infrastructure in the glasshouse is extremely cheap and easy to
configure, and the existing storage can be used by:

        1) Reading the SMF data through the FTP access method
        2) Storing your PDB on the MF via CIFS 

I use the FTP access all the time to read SMF data from my LPARs. There is
no redundant storage or movement of the datasets, and they remain safely
backed up and archived by DFSMShsm. 

For my PDB I store them on a Filer, backed with Rack & Stack SATA storage.
These directories are mounted as standard Network drives to windows. I used
iSCSI before that, and moved to the filer to help infrastructure.

The PDB could just as easily be supported on SATA or Fibre Channel arrays
from HDS, EMC, Dell, or your local Fry's store at a competitive TCO to your
MF storage - YMMV.


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