Kirk has some good information on file transfer options using common
protocols. I've got some more nominees which may be appropriate if you have
long running, targeted file transfer needs -- such as a small number of
particular servers that need to stay more-or-less permanently attached and
transfer a lot of files.

Basically the other options would all be file sharing (NFS, CIFS/SMB, etc.)
over an IPSec connection (encrypted connection). z/OS supports IPSec and
also supports common network file systems like NFS, CIFS/SMB, etc.

As Kirk alluded to, there are also numerous private protocol file transfer
products, and they do have advantages in many missions.

By the way, "secure file transfer" is a misnomer when used as we're using
it here. To be more accurate for the (business-oriented/risk-analyzing)
boss I would call this "encrypted transfer of raw files without custodial
controls." (That name is unwieldy, but it's much closer to the truth.
Perhaps someone has a shorter name that still gets the point across.) The
file itself could (and usually does) contain extremely sensitive
information -- things like customer records, credit card numbers, etc. Once
each record is transmitted it leaves the security zone of its parent.

To use an analogy, if you have the launch codes for nuclear missiles, yes,
it's a good idea if you have to communicate that information to use an
encrypted pipe. That's necessary but not sufficient. (The only thing
encryption does is prevent somebody from intercepting the file data "over
the wire.") You better be completely sure both sender and receiver apply
appropriate security protocols to such sensitive information. Which is why
launch codes don't get spread around a lot, nor should credit card numbers
and much other financial information, medical patient records, corporate
accounting (in any business), product design secrets, etc.

- - - - -
Timothy Sipples
IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan / Asia-Pacific
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