No, as stated earlier, the AC is ONLY checked when the JSTCB is initiated. 
 If the program initiated via the job step task (ie the PGM= on the EXEC 
card of the JCL) is linked AC=1 AND all the libraries in the STEPLIB are 
APF authorized, then that job step task will be considered authorized.  If 
any program running under this job step task then attaches, links or 
XCTL's to another program, the target program MUST be from an APF 
authorized library (actually the DCB used for the LOAD of the program must 
contain ALL APF authorized modules) or the task will abend with an S306. 
There are ways for authorized programs to reset from authorized to 
non-authorized (various programs, including the TSO TMP, IKJEFT01 and the 
CICS region control program DFHSIP?? do this) but once this is done, it is 
difficult to get back into an authorized state.  There are some IBM 
services that can do this (the TSO parallel TMP supports this) but they 
are designed for a specific, limited scope, and do NOT set the JSCBAUTH 
back on.

Wayne Driscoll
OMEGAMON DB2 L3 Support/Development

Rick Fochtman <> 
Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <>
07/30/2009 07:12 PM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List <>


Re: Of link lists and application programs


>From what I have read in documentation, it seems to me that even a
>module linked AC=0 is still authorized if LINK/XCTLed from an authorized
>library by a program that is AC=1 (or greater).   So any program in a
>Library that is APF authorized can potentially be running authorized,
>not just the modules with AC=1 (or greater)
>Did I read or understand that documentation wrong?
I believe that you have mis-interpreted the doc. As I recall, if an AC=1 
program calls a AC=0 program, then AC=0 is set for the entire task for 
its duration.


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