(George Henke) writes:
> I believe IBM produced a pc with a 370 to run VM on a PC.  Merrill Lynch
> had one.  Somewhere in the late 80's I believe.

re: zEC12, and previous generations, 
"why?" type question - GPU computing

1984, xt/370 ... later same board was made available on at as at/370.

basically a couple M68k executing subset of vm370 ... code-named
washington. it didn't support i/o ... so vm370 was modified to
communicate with a monitor running under dos on the 8088 for all i/o
functions. it provided approx. 100kip 370 with 384kbytes of memory
... little bit faster than 370/115. however, since all disk i/o (paging,
cms file, etc) was being done on 100ms (per block) dos hard disk. By
that time, vm370 and cms had gotten quite a bit bloated ... much larger
than cp67/cms that would run on 256kbyte 360/67. Also any kind of disk
i/o (paging, file activity) could become extremely painful ... compared
to what one was use to with real mainframe disks.

I got con'ed into doing some work on it ... first thing simple paging
tests showed almost any cms application would page thrash in the
pageable pages available left over after vm370 kernel fixed storage size
(from 384kbytes) ... exhaserbated by the paging on dos xt disk. I got
blamed for several month schedule ship in the product while they
upgraded the memory from 384kbytes to 512kbytes ... to cut down on
severe paging problems. However, cms applications that tended to be much
more file intensive than (and fared poorly in comparison with)
equivalent applications developed for the DOS/XT resource limited

I had tried to start a project to implement a super lean and fast vm370
replacement kernel in pascal. As a demo I had re-implemented the vm370
kernel spooling function in pascal running in virtual address space.  My
objective was to enormously increase the throughput and performance
compared to the kernel assembler implemented equivalent. 

I had another agenda ... I was also doing high-speed data transport
project ... and for vm370 vnet ... which was dependent on vm370 spool
... I needed multi-megabyte sustained thruput to drive the links I had.
misc. past posts mentioning hsdt

I indirectly referenced it in previous post regarding work with NSF on
what was to become NSFNET backbone ... also original mainframe tcp/ip
product was done for vm370 in pascal ... and I did the rfc1044
enhancements that got sustained channel thruput (between 4341 and cray
machine using only modest amount of 4341 processor, about 500 times
improvement in bytes moved per instruction executed). misc. past posts
mentioning NSFNET backbone

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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