W dniu 2012-09-06 18:46, Mark Post pisze:
On 9/6/2012 at 03:16 AM, "R.S."
<r.skoru...@snip.it!.COM.PL> wrote:
To make long story short: IFL can be cost effective because of ISV
licenses. Linux is (in theory) free, but Oracle and other are not.

Let's not keep propagating the myth that Linux is free as in "no
cost."  The classic statement is that it's "free, as in free speech,
not as in free beer."   See

The confusion in English is why many have taken to using Free/Libre,
since the French separate free (freedom or Libre) from free (no cost
or gratis).

Well, forgive me - I used the same word in the same context as many native English speakers. Obviously I meant free=no cost, not free=non slave or free=independent, or free=free jazz, or...

Assuming free software only it's very hard to justify spendings on

Almost as hard as justifying paying for z/OS, DB2, etc.  Right?
I meant it's hard to justfiy the choice: to buy IFL (plus rest of mainframe) or x64 servers. I meant Linux on IFL is *much* more expensive than on x64 servers. Things like power, cooling, floor space, staffing won't change it, but the software licenses could do it. BTW: I did not mention RAS, but not everyone will pay for good RollRoyce, some of us choose Toyota.

BTW: Licensing models do change. How can one be sure that Oracle
will keep the model unchanged? Maybe they will start using "price
per MIPS" model?

How can one be sure the sun will come up tomorrow?

Do you bet? Dollar to peanuts it will. Deal?
Regaring Oracle, I remeber "in my previous life" (10+ years ago) there was "big stink" with Oracle product repackaging. As effect, people lost right to (cheaper) upgrades, AFAIR. Recently IBM raised fees for CICS and IMS, I know people who had very good contract with Candle Corp - they don't have it anymore. But the sun comes up everyday...

Of course changes in business are not as sudden as the storm, and - last but not least - neither IFL purchase, nor x64 is for "rest of life", the lifetime of the hardware is relatively short. More complex could be applications migration (businness applications do change but usually live longer than single generation of hardware), but zLinux to x64 Linux migration sounds reasonably.

...and I bet the sun WILL come up tomorrow. ;-)
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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