For example, if you have absolutely no idea what mainframe programming is all
about, and you want to be a COBOL programmer in the near future, this video
on youtube may give you a first impression:

But depending on the skills you already have, this will look rather funny to you.

Kind regards


Am 23.09.2012 19:42, schrieb Bernd Oppolzer:
Am 23.09.2012 19:33, schrieb Steve Comstock:
On 9/23/2012 11:07 AM, James A Huckert wrote:
What is the MVS Basic course?
I just got into z/OS programming from a Production control position and I
am trying to get a grasp of all the system jargon and such. My employer
won't allow any training so I am on my own. Anyone got any good ideas on
websites / books I can learn from? I have found some stuff but nothing
relevant to todays mainframes.



So your employer is IBM and your employer won't allow any training.

Man that kind of thing just drives me nuts! IBM should be in the
forefront of providing training to their employees (and they used
to, many years ago) but they are being driven by the bean counters
and not real managers.

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