You might see if you have a product named CompareX

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of retired mainframer
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: How to determine which SMP CSI is used

Do both CSIs contain a global zone?  Normally, one would contain the global 
zone and point to the other for the target or distribution zone, or both.  

If both have global zones, do they contain any FMIDs in common?  If not, the 
one with the FMID for your PTFs is the one you want.

By run time library, I assume you mean target dataset or file.  Since almost 
everyone recommends against applying updates to active ones, should any CSI 
point to one currently in use?

Regardless of which dataset a DDDEF points to, it can always be overridden by 
JCL when the updates are actually applied.  DDDEFs can also be changed at any 
time.  So whether some point to your current datasets or not, you don't know if 
they did at the time updates were applied.

The only way to know which dataset were used when an update was applied is to 
look at the SMPE listing produced when the update was applied.  Hopefully your 
change control process keeps these, at least for audit purposes.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On
> Behalf Of Bill Giannelli
> Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 6:12 AM
> Subject: How to determine which SMP CSI is used
> I have a component, DB2 Query Monitor, that I need to apply PTFs to. I have 
> found 2
> CSIs. How do I determine which CSI was used for the currently running "Run 
> Time
> Libraries"?
> thanks
> Bill

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