Hey Charles, No nuclear secrets here. I've been pulled kicking & screaming into adding this level of security anyway.
I'm shooting for the absolute easiest way to give any z/OS and z/VSE customer the ability to upload a file to a server that requires a secured connection. I don't see a way around the certificates, but at least I have been able to set up a single job a RACF admin could run to set up a keyring they can use. But I couldn't find a combination of parameters that would get SSL or TLS 1.1 working with this particular server (that I don't control). I used the info from that URL because one of the last things I want to do is require customers to set up a TLS policy just to upload a file. By forcing TLS 1.2 and these other SYSFTPD parameters, I think I can at least keep away from having to get into any (other than RACF) system-type files: //FTPXFER EXEC PGM=FTP,REGION=4292K, // PARM=('POSIX(ON) ALL31(ON)', // 'ENVAR("GSK_PROTOCOL_TLSV1_2=ON")/(EXIT') //SYSFTPD DD * CLIENTERRCODES EXTENDED EPSV4 TRUE EXTENSIONS AUTH_TLS FWFRIENDLY TRUE KEYRING TCPIP/MACK.FTP.KEYRING PASSIVEIGNOREADDR TRUE SECUREIMPLICITZOS FALSE SECURE_FTP REQUIRED SECURE_MECHANISM TLS SECURE_DATACONN PRIVATE SECURE_CTRLCONN PRIVATE SECURE_HOSTNAME REQUIRED TLSMECHANISM FTP TLSRFCLEVEL CCCNONOTIFY //* //INPUT DD * (Normal, non-FTPS commands still go here) (Bernd, you were spot-on. I answered my own question the same way about midnight last night.) I'm just glad it works! Wendell ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN