Some years ago my son got an idea he'd like to learn mainframe, so I started 
asking around, trying to find out how much it would cost me to rent space for 
two IDs on an MVS system somewhere so I could coach him.  I don't recall that I 
was shaking the earth in my attempts, but the questions must have  got around 
because about two weeks later an IBM rep called me with an offer:  If I could 
get the local university to start up a few mainframe classes, they'd have to 
rent space on an installation somewhere and IBM would ~give~ me two accounts to 
play with in exchange.

I don't know whom your friend would have to ask to see whether he could get a 
deal like that for himself.  But clearly IBM is open to the thought at some 

Bob Bridges,, cell 336 382-7313

/* Remember that you are ~always~ your own boss. The company that hires you is 
your client. You are selling your time and expertise, if you have any. */

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Bill Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 15:58

There are quite a few colleges that offer mainframe classes & lots of young 
people working on it. Too many have bought the mainframe is dead idiocy. For 
decades. The mainframe still processes the vast majority of important work and 
will for decades to come, long after most of us here are gone.
Yes, plenty of kids are doing more “fun” work. It reminds me of 25 years ago 
when Microsoft certification was the hot tech. I’ve seen dozens of fads come 
and go that didn’t have the staying power of the good old IBM mainframe. Visual 
Basic anyone! Oracle was going to replace DB2 said numerous “experts”.

--- On Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 3:45 PM, Brian Chapman <> 
In my opinion, it's a shame that it is this difficult to find a free academic 
platform for individuals like the one you described. Master the Mainframe is a 
great place to start, but it does not go deep enough.
There's a reason why preteens are writing python, javascript, ruby, etc.
IBM needs to change their perspective and culture to encourage young 
individuals to the mainframe.

--- On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 12:55 PM Support, DUNNIT SYSTEMS LTD. <> wrote:
> I was approached by a university student who wants self study z/OS 
> architecture and Assembler - including 64 bit programming - as an 
> extra-ciricular activity. The guy is on a shoestring budget. Is there 
> anything out there for such an aspiring mainframer? Thanks.

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