On 5/1/22 12:01 pm, Bob Bridges wrote:
Hm.  If that's true of many shops (and it sounds plausible), maybe my sneers at 
the colleges' ignorant comments are ill-founded and they may be starting to win 
their war against the mainframe.  Of course, if their efforts have a lot of 
effect then surely the need for CICS will reverse the trend...wouldn't you 

I don't think the universities have got anything against the mainframe. They don't have access to them. IBM should make mainframe emulators freely available to all universities. Some of our best young guys have degrees in engineering,  not CS. It takes a long time to train new hires on the mainframe. For example, JCL is arcane and generally despised by kids who have grown up coding shell scripts. As you mentioned CICS it's worth noting that CICS supports both Spring Boot and Node.js. They set the standard for modernization. The open beta has a new has a new YAML file for resource definitions that comes with a JSON schema so you can get context assist in editors and validation in the DevOps pipeline. The CICS guys innovate and modernize. I salute them.

Bob Bridges, robhbrid...@gmail.com, cell 336 382-7313

/* [On the observation that every culture has words equating "uncivilized" and 
"foreigner":]  Tragic?  It's sidesplitting!  It's the only joke the Almighty ever 
repeats, because it never grows stale with use.  -from _Star Beast_ by Robert A Heinlein. */

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
David Crayford
Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 21:48

It's true. The company I work for has been on-boarding millennials for years 
now to replace the guys that are retiring. I work with some very smart young 
guys, some of who write systems level code. None of them use REXX unless it's 
used in a product they are working on. We're ripping and replacing decades old 
build tools written in REXX with Python because it's become technical debt and 
no one can support it.

The typical millenial uses:

   * An IDE such as VS Code, IntelliJ, Slickedit with plugins for
     mainframe languages and to access the MVS file system.
   * They don't use TSO or the ISPF editor so there is no need for REXX
     edit macros etc. ISPF is mainly used for SDSF and submitting jobs.
   * They work in a interactive shell and use UNIX utilties.
   * Everything is stored in Git repositories.
   * They code scripts in Python, Node.js or a JVM language.

--- On 5/1/22 10:06 am, Seymour J Metz wrote:
That's David Crayford, not me. I have no basis to either confirm or contradict. 
It's unfortunate if true.

From: Bob Bridges [robhbrid...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 9:03 PM

Shmuel, I'm interested (and perhaps a little dismayed) at your third point.  I've gotten 
the impression, from reading ads about job openings, that REXX programmers aren't very 
thick on the ground even at IBM where you'd think it'd be pretty easy to find them.  But 
"shrinking by the day"?  Where do you get that?  I'm not disagreeing -- I have 
no data -- but have you?

-----Original Message-----
From: David Crayford
Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 19:23

   1. IBM are too busy porting contemporary languages like Python, Golang
      and Node.js
   2. No vendor will port ooRexx because there is no market for it that is
      willing to pay support
   3. The pool of REXX developers is shrinking by the day and no young
      people want to learn it unless they have to
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