Hi, we changed many JCLs using " AMP=('ACCBIAS=DO')" and succeded in CPU and elapsed time reduction (up to 50% in few cases).
We used SMF64 to choose the best candidates. If needed, I can share a simple SORT step to convert SMF64 to "readable" CSV file. Best regards. Max Il giorno lun 16 mag 2022 alle ore 16:36 Pommier, Rex < rpomm...@sfgmembers.com> ha scritto: > Hi list, > > Is the BLSR subsystem (batch local shared resources) still a > viable/valuable thing or has it been replaced by something > bigger/better/faster? I seem to be stuck in the mid-90s because the most > current documentation I can find on it is from MVS/ESA 5.1 dated 1994. Is > there more current documentation on how to use it and how it works? Has it > been replaced and deprecated? I just had a developer use it last week and > experienced a 40+ reduction in I/Os but I wanted to read up on its > limitations - especially around using it on a shared VSAM dataset. However > I can't find anything newer than 25+ years old. I did multiple internet > searches which is where I found the ESA manual. I checked the knowledge > center and my own z/OS 2.2 and 2.4 collections all to no avail. > > Thanks, > > Rex > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > The information contained in this message is confidential, protected from > disclosure and may be legally privileged. If the reader of this message is > not the intended recipient or an employee or agent responsible for > delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified > that any disclosure, distribution, copying, or any action taken or action > omitted in reliance on it, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If > you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately > by replying to this message and destroy the material in its entirety, > whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, > send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN