I would love to see your sort, I am attempting that same project at my site.

Thank You

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Massimo Biancucci
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 1:40 PM
Subject: [External Sender] Re: IBM BLSR subsystem


we changed many JCLs using " AMP=('ACCBIAS=DO')" and succeded in CPU and 
elapsed time reduction (up to 50% in few cases).

We used SMF64 to choose the best candidates.
If needed, I can share a simple SORT step to convert SMF64 to "readable"
CSV file.

Best regards.

Il giorno lun 16 mag 2022 alle ore 16:36 Pommier, Rex < 
rpomm...@sfgmembers.com> ha scritto:

> Hi list,
> Is the BLSR subsystem (batch local shared resources) still a 
> viable/valuable thing or has it been replaced by something 
> bigger/better/faster?  I seem to be stuck in the  mid-90s because the 
> most current documentation I can find on it is from MVS/ESA 5.1 dated 
> 1994.  Is there more current documentation on how to use it and how it 
> works?  Has it been replaced and deprecated?  I just had a developer 
> use it last week and experienced a 40+ reduction in I/Os but I wanted 
> to read up on its limitations - especially around using it on a shared VSAM 
> dataset.  However
> I can't find anything newer than 25+ years old.   I did multiple internet
> searches which is where I found the ESA manual.  I checked the 
> knowledge center and my own z/OS 2.2 and 2.4 collections all to no avail.
> Thanks,
> Rex
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