On Tue, 30 Aug 2022 17:21:22 +0000, Sri h Kolusu wrote: > >≫ Little argument other than the economic balance between silicon and carbon, >counting learning in the latter. How much data? > >Take a simple of ca e less than or equal to 5 Million records. You can run a >test and see for your self as to how much it takes to do the same using REXX >vs DFSORT. > I wouldn't try to sort even a hundred records purely in REXX. It's the wrong tool for that.
>>> ... address LINKMVS DFSORT ... > >Aren't you invoking DFSORT from REXX? I think you skipped reading the text in >BOLD > Which "text in BOLD"? There are several instances. > " Moreover you need to have the Data SORTED before you can calculate the > deltas and you need to invoke SORT or have a separate step to sort the data" > POSIX pipes support using multiple utilities in a single job step. I've used Binder | sed. >We can debate about it, but in the end, if someone asks for a DFSORT solution >and if it can be done using it, then I will try to post which would show case >the rich features available with the product. > If Bob had asked the list for a way to sort a file using REXX, would you be slow to jump in and offer DFSORT as a better alternative? Some tasks require multiple tools. What if someone asked for sorted output of all records matching a given regular expression (Does DFSORT support regular expressions?) I'd be inclined to pipe "sed" into DFSORT; I'd expect you to call regex in an input exit. Both work. -- gil ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN