
One email with multiple responses.

>>. I can never understand what the DFSORT solutions are doing from reading the 
>>control cards, and I'm sure I am not alone there. A programming language 
>>makes it much easier for the person who has to understand it in the future.


Just to be clear, DFSORT is an Utility which does a lot of stuff and is not a 
match for a programming language. As for the understanding the control cards, 
it all depends on how you perceive them.  If you put a little effort like you 
do when you learn a new programming language, then it is a walk in the park.

>>I can post a note here describing what I'm trying to do along with some data 
>>samples, and like the elves who make shoes, complete JCL and SYSIN will 
>>magically appear the next morning.


I believe this platform is to share and help each other. I for one believe in 
sharing the knowledge and in the process, I might learn a thing or two from 
other topics. It also helps us to understand the customer requirements and 
implement them in future.There may be few bad apples who might take advantage 
of the help being received here, but that shouldn't stop us from sharing the 

>>Although this is a joke... some respect for Sri please.


Thanks. Much appreciated for your support.

>>The rest is reality as I see it.  Whether that's good or bad I guess depends 
>>on your point of view.

The people who take advantage of the help they receive here will only thrive 
for a short period of time.

>>Kolusu's assistance is priceless!



>>The last sentence beginning "Thus ..." is incorrect.

Thanks for bringing it to our attention. we will try to clarify it.

>>The DFSORT manual (and others) should not attempt to explain regular 
>>expressions.  They should defer to citing a single publication with such an 

I completely agree, however each component within IBM is implementing a regular 
expression flavor. Different regular expression flavors are not fully 
compatible with each other. So it is difficult to have 1 central publication.

>>(I forgot to ask whether the LOCALE command affects the interpretation of 
>>metacharacters in SYSIN.  And to note that the Guide's using a 
>>proportional-spaced font makes syntax runes and examples confusing.)


Locale is NOT supported with regular expressions and it is documented here


DFSORT Development
IBM Corporation

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