. Hello . Can someone please clarify this statement regarding IEAMSCHD - . "To run an SRB routine in a different address space from the scheduling code, the SRB routine must be either in a different program that is accessible from the target address space, or in the common storage together with the scheduling code." . The above was taken from Example 7 of IEAMSCHD - https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/zos/2.4.0?topic=ixg-ieamschd-schedule-srb . It makes no reference to the authorization of the target srb routine. . I would like to schedule an SRB using IEAMSCHD to a non-authorized Address Space - I would prefer not to place the target SRB routine in common storage. . I suspect its implied this is an integrity issue; as the target SRB Routine would be loaded by the Non Authorized Address Space, AND the Target SRB Routine is entered in supervisor state. . . . paul dangelo . .
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