Charles Mills wrote: >Where did you see that quote? >I used to teach an (in-house) Intro to Mainframes class. I used that >statistic in the class. I tried to track down something specific (data? >business data? critical business data?) and authoritative (IBM, Gartner, >etc.). I did not succeed.
IBM slides from a webinar this past week, "Get Actionable Insight with Security Intelligence for Mainframe Environments". >Also, the quote I have usually seen is "seventy percent." Are mainframes >losing ground? Or someone is getting slightly more conservative. To the other commenters: Sure, I expect IBM thinks/means "business data", FSVO the term. But they need to be more careful about saying that - all it would need is the word "business" in front of "data" to change it from a ridiculous to a maybe-plausible claim, but I've seen it *repeatedly* without that qualifier. IBM shouldn't be offering the know-nothings and anti-IBM contingent slow pitches like this-make 'em work for their hits. And yes, Big Data skews things badly; making it "structured business data" would cure that, although of course at some point, things become *so* heavily qualified that they're again meaningless. (I can't help but think of the statistics they always quote on football games: "You know, Jim, that's the most running yards ever in the third quarter by a left-handed rookie fullback in a Thursday night game on artificial turf while playing at home"-by the time they get to the end of the sentence, I've lost interest!) ...phsiii ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN