>Excellent! Making them PDSEs will decomplicate your life. No, it won't. PDSEs are fine and easier to work with then PDSs
My main issues were There is no easy way to load members to a library that is defined VB, 255 (IEBUPDTE did not work on that best). I guess I could have used individual steps of IEBGENER. Instead I wrote an ADDMEM utility in Rexx. All other PDS or PDSE manipulation was done using IEBUPDTE or ISPF. Shortening the file names to 8 bytes, upper case consistently in all source code was the core of my port process, but it was done with some Perl scripts. The other core issue was to resolve bind time dependencies. Here I had had the worst headache! I will leave the explanation of my solution out for now until I am ready to publish my process. ZA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN