Not IBM approved, but method we did.
1. Notify users.
2. RACF datasets so no access, read by backup group.
3. Rename datasets (add .OLD).
4. Delete datasets and source of software.

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 9:58 AM, R.S. <> wrote:
> W dniu 2013-12-17 16:46, John Eells pisze:
>> USE CAUTION when uninstalling software with dummy function deletes. Make
>> certain that there are no intersections that would cause problems after the
>> product or products are removed.  For example, if a product's MCS includes
>> one or more VERSION statements, it can replace some (potentially all) of the
>> parts of another product during installation. Deleting such a product will
>> remove those parts, and can leave stuff behind that no longer works.
>> (Sorry, I have no idea whether BDT has any VERSION statements.)
> Some time ago I asked IBM (and this group also AFAIR) how to deinstall given
> software product. Requirements are quite simple and obvious:
> 1. System is still usable, SMP/E database is not corrupted or crippled in
> any way.
> 2. IBM audit is happy the product is no longer available on the system.
> What's funny - nobody provided clear & reasonable method. IMHO dummy
> function is a trick, not official procedure. Similar trick could be to just
> delete product libraries or remove APF them from AAPF list (for thse product
> which require APF).
> So, what is IBM-approved method to delete the product?
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
> ---
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Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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