On 8 May 2014 22:09, Mitch <mitc...@aol.com> wrote:
> And for the likes of the larger ISVs, I would guess all of their product 
> source
>code is in escrow and kept up to date.  Maybe not so much for the "mom and 
>pop" software
>companies, but the big ones, yes.

I think it's exactly the "mom and pop" ISVs that are more likely to be
required by buyers to have escrow arrangements in place. Few companies
are in a position to require e.g. IBM to do much of anything.
Particularly in the mainframe world, it's common for customers to be
hundreds or thousands of times larger than small ISVs. In passing,
it's certain that there are long-time customers of prominent ISVs with
agreements still in place that no vendor would sign today -- things
like perpetual licences and even maintenance to "the product and all
successor products".

While I can't speak to my current employer's practices, in past lives
I have seen a number of escrow agreements from both the customer and
ISV sides.

They are often strangely weak and strong in different places, and not
infrequently dangerous for both sides. It's easy, but mostly quite
correct, to blame lawyers who don't have any real understanding of the
software development and maintenance process for this.

Some problems not yet mentioned:

What happens if the escrow company itself declares bankruptcy, is
acquired (under adverse or friendly circumstances) or perhaps worse,
simply fails to perform as expected in the crunch? What if they lose
the escrowed material, or allow it to be stolen, or deliver damaged,
unreadable, or just plain blank media? All of these have happened. Is
it feasible for the customer to test these procedures?

Escrow agreements are generally part of the contract between vendor
and customer, and require in turn that the vendor maintain an
agreement with an acceptable escrow company. (In passing, there are
fewer escrow companies now than there were say ten years ago.) Usually
the customer has no direct relationship with the escrow company, and
so -- as Charles Mills points out -- will end up arguing with other
creditors in bankruptcy court over the assets.

On the flip side, the customer-vendor contract language that triggers
(or allows the customer to trigger) the escrow clause is often --
because of customer demands -- very liberal in the events that do so;
a mere change of control wouldn't be expected to allow the customer to
get the source, but I have seen agreements that effectively specify
just that. Not what the vendor thought was being agreed to, but the
language was evidently borrowed by lawyers from that used in the
employment contracts with senior execs/founders. (Thankfully, none of
these was attempted to be enforced by a customer.)

Escrow agreements rarely describe what happens to the ownership of the
source and product in the case of the escrow clause being triggered.
Even if the escrow company hands over the package immediately upon the
trigger, the customer may yet not have all the legal rights to
continue to use it in any meaningful way, even if the technical
ability is there, and could easily find itself again in court arguing
with creditors.

What if the product is written in a language or using tools or
libraries from a third party, or otherwise unavailable to the customer
or its hired technical people? For example IBM's PL/X is not generally
available, but it was briefly available to ISVs, and probably some
have continued to use it. A customer would be unable to compile the
code they got from escrow.

So I rather agree with Charles that these agreements offer more
comfort than real effect.

Tony H.

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