Some comments.

The terms 'local' and 'global' have well-established definitions and
uses---They specify the scopes of set symbols at assembly time---in
the HLASM macro language, and their usurpation for other purposes is
ill-advised.   '...that way madness lies; let me shun that; No more of

Moreover, persistence and scope are very different notions.  They are
sometimes hard to disentangle; but it is always unwise to confound

Persistence can be characterized in two ways, in terms of maximal
lifetime and dynamism.

The obvious maximal lifetimes are termination by
o z/OS shutdown/IPL,
o jobstep,
o task, and
o block or routine exit

It may or may not be possible to allocate and free a block of storage

Thus, for example, the automatic/scratch storage of PL/I and then C is
allocated when control for a dispatchable unit enters a routine or
block and freed when it exits from that routine or block.  It cannot,
that is, be allocated sooner or freed later.

Automatic storage is also LIFO, stack-based storage, allocated from a
stack and freed/returned to that stack for reuse.  Typically, pools
are also stacks, not because FIFO democracy is important for them but
because stacks are the easiest constructs to use to manage
interchangeable, reusable blocks of storage.

Most other storage is non-LIFO, and a block of it is typically called
a heap.  There are management issues for heaps, but most modern
operating systems handle them efficiently.  Once allocated from a
heap, storage within such a block of can of course be
suballocated/managed as a stack or pool.

The questions how best to manage heaps and where to put them do not
have any generic answers, but the lawyers' de minimis principle is
important for them.  A system may usefully contain many stacks, but it
shouild not usually contain more than a very few heaps.

Accesses to heaps must [almost] always be serialized; and adult,
asynchronous systems cannot be built without using serialization

Satisfactory systems can be written primarily in some statement-level
procedural language (SLPL), but routines written in that SLPL must
typically be supplemented by others written in assembly language.  The
Scots poet Blair described archangelic visits to the earth, necessary
to keep things in order here below, as 'short and far between'; and
these assembly-language routines can have these two characteristics
too.  They are, however, necessary 1) to close gaps in the SLPL being
used, 2) to avoid really ugly, infelicitous constructs in that SLPL,
and to circumvent serious inefficiencies in that SLPL's
implementation.  For these reasons programmers who do not write
assembly language with facility are all but useless.  The routines
they write always reflect the more or less radical imperfections of
the SLPL they use.

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721  - USA

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