On Jul 6, 2014, at 11:54 AM, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
------------------- SNIP----------------------------------------------------------- http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2014h.html#99 TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging?

folklore is that person responsible for much of TSO ... came out of MIT
with some CTSS & MULTICS background. Of course, at the science center
... cp67/cms (later vm370/cms) had much more CTSS direct
lineage/content. some past posts

later starting in 1979 with the rise of huge number of vm/ 4300s ... in the early 80s, the company declared vm370/cms as the corporate strategic
interactive product. The TSO product administrator then contacted me
about porting my vm370 scheduler to MVS ... but I declined since to fix TSO for interactive computing would require significantly more than just
fixing the MVS scheduler. old email

As an aside, I had originally done dynamic adaptive resource management back in the 60s as undergraduate ... and IBM picked up and shipped first
with cp67/cms. some past posts

note that mainstream IBM (especially POK) had hard time adapting to
rules regarding charging for software (monthly lease had to cover costs)
... some of this possibly outgrowth of Brook's "Mythical Man Month".

cp67/cms and later vm370/cms (before being moved out of mass) had
significantly lower cost infrastructure. One of the first was eventually announcing JES2 networking as joint product with vm370 vnet (being able to do combined revenue to cover combined costs) ... this even when some of the original JES2 networking code had carried the letters "TUCC" out
in cols 68-71 (carried over from HASP days).

the folklore is that then happened in the 80s with ISPF but even more
creative bookkeeping. They combined ISPF and VM370 performance tools in
the same "development" group ... even tho they weren't joint products.
The had 200 people on ISPF group and stablized vm370 performance tools
with just 3people so that the income of vm370 performance tools
effectively underwrites ISPF.

The story for graphical netview is straight-out of "truth is stranger
than fiction" ... past post
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2013d.html#61 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
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A lot of information but.... IIRC In the (sometime in the 70's) there was a "white" pamphlet (2 or 3 pages if memory serves me.
That SPF war written outside of IBM , my vague memory says it was the "living Bra" people (or Playtex) .

Are you suggesting that SPF was written by IBM internal? Our SE had said he had visited( we were in Chicago) the place and had talked with the writers and he indicated it had been written by them IOW it was a FDP. IBM came in and rewrote it (or parts there of) a few years later and then offered it as a PP as ISPF.

If that is not the case I would be surprised and would welcome a correction.

If the price had been reasonable I am sure we would have picked it over FSE.


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