> >> If, at 17:59:59 I had issued STIMER WAIT,BINTVL=[3 seconds] > >> would the wait have expired at 18:00:01? > > > >No, it would expire at 18:00:02 regardless of whether you are using > >leap seconds > > > And since the Leap Second code is ignorant of whether an entry > corresponds to a clock time or a duration, it assumes the former > and adds the second regardless. Particularly silly if the wait > spans midnight since the syntax of STIMER macro provides no > way to specify a time past midnight, so it must have been a > duration. > > So it actually waits for 4 seconds rather than the 3 requested.
The problem is that at 17:59:59 when the STIMER is processed we don't know that a leap second will occur at 18:00. George Kozakos z/OS Software Service, Level 2 Supervisor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN