>You are right, I have to eat those words. ESPIE processing
translates unresolved program interrupt codes x'10', x'11',
x'38', x'39', x'3A', and x'3B' into program interrupt code 4,
so an ESPIE established for interrupt code 4 will also get control
for any of those access exceptions when they cannot be resolved.

Ohhh my. I just asked engineering to set a SLIP as you suggested, Jim, hoping 
it will match. The above is bad news. I will have them to run the job with LE 
TRAP(OFF), but I suspect this will not help. I mentioned there it SmartRestart 
that our appications depend on. SmartRestart surely needs an ESPIE of its own 
to be able to recognize problems and act accordingly. If this is the case, I'm 
out of luck with the SLIP. Will have to check whether SmartRestart sets up an 
ESPIE or not.

What is the reasoning behind excluding SLIP from matching when ESPIE is active?

Is that information about how ESPIE interferes with ESPIE documented in detail 
somewhere? The MVS System Commands has only a single line saying that SLIP will 
not match if ESPIE is active. No mentioning of authorized versus nonauthorized, 
or what ESPIE does with the pgm check x'10', etc.

Peter Hunkeler

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