> >SLIP gets control in 4 environments: 
> >-- PER 
> >-- RTM1 (think "FRR") 
> >-- RTM2 (think "ESTAE") 
> >-- MEMTERM 
> How about SLIPs with keyword MSGID=. We've been asked by IBM support
> in response to a PMR to set a such SLIP to get a dump when a 
> specific message was issues. This is how I learned about the MSGID= 
> type SLIP. 
> Seems to be neither error nor PER type of SLIP. The manual describes
> SLIP being called as part of WTO procesing. 

  When a WTO message ID matches a SLIP MSGID, we issue a 06F-8 abend
to get into an RTM1 environment (for branch entry WTO) or RTM2 
environment (for SVC entry WTO).  This allowed us to avoid the 
development cost of creating a new SLIP environment.  We retry 
from the 06F-8 abend without recording to logrec, so the only place 
it is easily visible is in system trace.

Jim Mulder z/OS Diagnosis, Design, Development, Test, etc. IBM Corp. 
Poughkeepsie, NY

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