>A colleague has made a logical data set DUMP of important data and downloaded 
>to his PC in binary (by mistake, without additional steps). As expected, after 
>uploading from PC to z/OS, the format is broken, and ADRDSSU doesn't recognize 
>the DUMP (uploaded as blksize=27998, lrecl=0, recfm=u).

>Any recovery ideas for this situation, how to recover the PC data to a 
>RESTORE-able dataset? :)

The problem is that DSS Dumps are RECFM=U, and each block may have a different 
length, up to the maximum (usually half track). This is why DSS does not accept 
the dump after retransmitting back to z/OS (in binary, of course).

I don't know if the format of the dump records is documented (outside of IBM), 
but looking at an (uncompressed) DSS dump data set, the individual blocks seem 
to be of format

o Bytes 1-4 is the binary number of the record (block) within the dump data set.
o Bytes 5-6 are maybe some flags. I see mostly x'0101', but also x'0202'.
o Bytes 7-8 seems to be the number of bytes in this block including this field 
and the 6 bytes ahead.

So to recover as a last resort, if you're desperate, you would need to

o upload in binary as RECFM=U to z/OS.
o read the RECFM=U blocks, e.g. with REXX
o rebuild the original blocks using the information above
o write the new RECFM=U blocks

All of this is untested.

Peter Hunkeler

Peter Hunkeler

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