On 10/1/2018 1:34 PM, Jesse 1 Robinson wrote:
There are two separate problems here. (1) A link list library taking a new 
extent after IPL. (2) An LLA-managed library having contents moved by either 
compress or reload.

(1) Can be avoided by simply not defining any secondary extent, i.e. specifying 
a secondary of zero. Getting more than one extent to satisfy the original 
allocation is not a problem as long as no additional extent is allowed 
afterward. If a new extent is truly needed to hold enlarged content, then link 
list update can be used.

(2) Seems to be OP's issue. LLA REFRESH can handle the consequences of dynamic 
update within the original (IPL time) extent(s). Note that REFRESH is needed on 
all sharing systems.

I never liked defining secondary of zero. I realize it's IBM's recommendation, 
but it all but ensures a compress will be performed when the library fills up. 
I've had systems crash either during or after such a compress -- sometimes with 
disastrous consequences!

I would much rather take a new extent for one relinked module than risk corrupting the *ENTIRE 
LIBRARY* with a "live" compress using DISP=SHR. Of course, periodic compress of LNKLST 
PDS libraries is not a bad idea when done under controlled circumstances: i.e., "quiet" 
time and LLA on all sharing systems has been shut DOWN. Also, I like to STEPLIB any IEBCOPY job to 
a recent *copy* of SYS1.LINKLIB to ensure IEBCOPY program parts are not moved during the 
compress... BTDTGTS!!

Phoenix Software International
Edward E. Jaffe
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

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