On Mon, 10 Dec 2018 18:45:54 +0000, Blake, Daniel J [CTR] wrote:

>One TFnn works for any/all lines between blanks lines.  So if you have
>a line followed by a blank line, text line, blank line, yes each line 
>will require a TFnn line command.  Two or more lines without          
>separating blank(s) require only one TFnn line command.               

If the data that Charles is processing contains paragraphs without    
intervening blank lines, all the paragraphs will be flowed together,  
not likely what he wants. Also, he mentioned that some of the lines   
are several thousand bytes long. Depending on how many thousand bytes,
he may or may not be able to use TF unless he can split lines that are
longer than 32K bytes.                                                

From the HELP for TF:

The TF command starts at the current line, and flows text up to the end 
of a paragraph.  Either a blank line or a change in indentation         
indicates the end of the paragraph.  Any temporary lines (such as COLS  
or BNDS) are deleted before text is flowed.                             
A short line is first filled in with text moved up from the following   
line, then text on the second line is shifted into the left column, and 
the process is repeated to the end of the paragraph.                    
A single blank character is normally used to separate existing text from
the words that are moved in from the following line.  If an end of      
sentence is detected, two blanks are inserted.                          
Multiple blanks in the middle of a line are left unchanged.  They are   
not compressed out by the TF command.                                   

Tom Marchant

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