On Mon, 24 Dec 2018 17:02:05 +0000, Farley, Peter x23353 wrote:
>One second in clock units is X'F4240000'.  ...
>So right after you do STCK TIME then do this to get a time 90 seconds later 
>(SEC90 is an 8 byte field, the same size as your TIME field):
>LLGF   R14,=X'F4240000'
>M      R14,=F'90'
>ST     R14,SEC90
>ST     R15,SEC90+4
>LG     R14,TIME
>AG     R14,SEC90
It's a shame that the soi-disant "High Level Assembler" for a 64-bit machine 
support 64-bit A-constants else that could all be:
 AG      R14,=AL8(90*1000000*4096)

>STG    R14,TIME
>Then you can convert the binary TIME field using STCKCONV.
Beware leap seconds!  (Did you want local time or GMT?)

z/OS is woefully deficient in time services.  It needs to be brought into the 
20th Century.

-- gil

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