
I have it in a macro and will post the code 
.WAIT  ANOP                                                           
         L     R15,16                       GET CVT ADDRESS            
         L     R15,X'8C'(R15)               GET ECVT ADDRESS           
         L     R15,X'384'(R15)              GET ECVTXTSW ADDRESS       
         LA    R1,=A(*+10)                  PARAMTER LIST              
         BASR  R14,R15                      GO THERE                   
         B     *+12                                                    
         DC    X'0000000000002328'          90 SECOND WAIT             
         LM    15,2,SAVER                                              


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of
Peter Relson
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2018 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: Adding 90 seconds to 8 byte TOD FIELD

>I am using it to set a value for ECVTXTSW where I want to suspend 
>execution for 90 seconds

Given that, you do not need to do what you are asking for. 

The parameter for the cross-memory TCB or SRB  wait routine is an 8-byte
area that contains the "wait time". By "wait time" it means "how long you
want to wait", not "the time of day at which you want to be woken up". If
"wait time" is overly confusing this could be changed to say "time to wait".

The question that needs answering for ECVTXTSW is, instead, "how do I set up
an 8-byte area that is the value representing 90 seconds in TOD clock

The answer is to use something that will create a value that is 90
multiplied by 1 million (the number of microseconds in 90 seconds)
multiplied by 4096 (2**12), the fact that in TOD clock format, one
microsecond is represented by bit 51 in the 0-origin 64-bit format).

Ed Jaffe's FDS12'90E6' seems like a great way to do that -- "FD" for 8-byte
fixed, "S12" for 2**12, 90E6 for 90*10**6.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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