On Wednesday, 05/03/2006 at 01:45 AST, "Horlick, Michael" 
> I have opened an issue. I don't see any hits with Service Link. What I
> have done so far with a PC emulated NON 3278 Model 2 device is:
> 1) IPLed the CMS 190 minidisk from 2nd level at 1st level and everything
> works fine.
> 2) Accessed the 1st level system through an SNA network and then did a
> DIAL to my 2nd level. This worked fine.
> For some strange reason only if I go through my TCP/IP stack first level
> and then do the DIAL into 2nd level that I have this problem. I have no
> problem dialing into a 2nd level zVM 3.1 system.
> I remember once doing, I think, a CP TRACE command to trace the I/O's to
> a device. Not sure on usage and how I could decipher the 3270 datastream
> but will investigate.

Easiest is to activate the PCOMM trace facility. It will format the 3270 
data stream for you and show you what PCOMM received.  You can compare 
that to a sniffer trace (or host trace) of what VM is sending.  (The PCOMM 
trace facility is in the Administrative and PD Aids folder in the IBM 
Personal Communications folder.)

PROG 754 means "required parameters not provided" and from that I infer 
that the 3270 data stream was truncated somewhere along the way.  (The 
fact that it works for mod 4 and not mod 2 is disturbing, however.)

Comparing what PCOMM received and what VM sent will let you and the 
Support Center begin to narrow the problem.  It will also reveal exactly 
which of the dozen conditions for a PROG 754 occurred.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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