I recall how excited I was when I first learned about the *CCS support 

mechanism that is used to support VTAM logon terminals in CP. The concept
of having an RDEVBLOK as the gateway to a server (didn't call 'em servers
back then - big mistake) opened up so many possibilities for device 
emulation and mapping that I (then) felt that it was OBVIOUS that this 

interface would be extended to other device types - providing a general-
purpose API for using a server to emulate any kind of RDEV that CP 

Alas, in those young, exciting days I was horribly naive and didn't 
understand words like, "business case". I'm thankful that David, however,
does. If implemented, this proposal would, in my view, be the best thing 

to happen to VM since Linux. (Sliced bread? Doesn't even come close.)

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