On Friday, 06/16/2006 at 09:58 AST, Phil Smith III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> But this gets me off on one of my rants: when I finish my time machine, 
> going to go back, find whoever created each of the two or three hundred 
> emulators out there, and (a) make sure they PAY ATTENTION to the real 
> keyboard and by default emulate that -- and that they do it all the 

(yawn) Which real 3270 keyboard? German? UK? French? Icelandic? Spanish? 
Italian? (yawn..sorry) Belgian? Portuguese?  (No one speaks with precision 
any more, dammit ....that's what's wrong with this country!  Oh, and the 
use of vegetable oil in deep fryers instead of lard.  And the lack of 
quality toasters.)

> And 
> that all the keys are remappable.  I once (17 years ago) spent a week at 
> customer site working on an issue that required two sessions.  Emulators 
> then were single-session, so he had two emulator cards (remember them?) 
in his 
> PC.  One used the ENTER key for ENTER; one used the right CTRL key.  And 
> weren't remappable.  I think I burned out a statistically significant 
> of my brain that week, hitting the wrong key and waiting for something 
> happen...

Uphill.  Both ways.  Got it.

When you go into a stranger's house, the first question is always "Where 
can I dump a kidney?"  Likewise, when you use an alien emulator config 
(i.e. not yours), the first question is always "Where's the ENTER key? Why 
did you put THERE? Are you crazy?"  (OK, so that was, like, 3 
questions...move along....)

> When I get that fixed, I'm also going to find whoever decided *ix should 
> case-sensitive and cure him.  Chuckie, you wanna come help?

I hate mixed-case userids.  I LIkE mIxeD-CaSe pASsWoRDs, THoUGh.  It makes 
setting your password to "pASsWoRD" far more defensible.

-- C.

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