You can probably expect that everybody who has entered a not in this thread 
will volunteer for that mission. Count me in.

Richard Schuh

 -----Original Message-----
From:   The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  On Behalf Of 
Dave Jones
Sent:   Friday, June 16, 2006 9:31 AM
Subject:        Re: OT: Cursed "Scroll Lock" key vs 3270 emulators

If Chuckie's busy that day, I'll come along instead......:-) Case 
sensitive operating systems, sheesh....


Phil Smith III wrote:
> Mike Walter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> went on at length about the
> Scroll Lock key: <snip>...visual indicator icon that appears in the
> right-most XP tray
>> (System tray?; can't ever remember the windows tray names
> Formerly "System Tray", now "Notification Area", IIRC.  Not an
> improvement in the name.
> And:
>> They try to squeeze more keys on the keyboard but won't get rid of
>> this one, which as far as I know has not been used since DOS days
>> gone by.
> A few things still use it: Excel changes behavior, and as DavidK
> noted, some hardware KVMs use it for switching.
> But this gets me off on one of my rants: when I finish my time
> machine, I'm going to go back, find whoever created each of the two
> or three hundred 3270 emulators out there, and (a) make sure they PAY
> ATTENTION to the real 3270 keyboard and by default emulate that --
> and that they do it all the same.  And that all the keys are
> remappable.  I once (17 years ago) spent a week at a customer site
> working on an issue that required two sessions.  Emulators back then
> were single-session, so he had two emulator cards (remember them?) in
> his PC.  One used the ENTER key for ENTER; one used the right CTRL
> key.  And they weren't remappable.  I think I burned out a
> statistically significant portion of my brain that week, hitting the
> wrong key and waiting for something to happen...
> When I get that fixed, I'm also going to find whoever decided *ix
> should be case-sensitive and cure him.  Chuckie, you wanna come help?
> ...phsiii

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