In the almost 4 years since this last reply, has anyone worked on an
encryption/decryption stage for PIPELINES? Or a library of callable subro

/Tom Kern
/U.S. Dept. of Energy

On Tue, 17 Sep 2002 10:55:37 +0100, Simon Knights

>Date sent:              Thu, 12 Sep 2002 18:18:27 EDT
>Send reply to:          VM/ESA Discussions <VMESA-L@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
>From:                   Aria Bamdad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject:                Encryption Pipe stage
>To:                     VMESA-L@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU
>> Hi,
>> Does anyone know if there is a Pipe stage or Rexx code that will do
>> encryption?
>> Thanks in advance.
>Hi Aria,
>I know this reply is coming late and that you have already had a number 
other replies.
>A couple of years ago I wrote a pipeline stage that would do encryption.
decided to use
>the Blowfish algorithm as designed by Bruce Schneier of Counterpane (see

> The reasons for choosing
Blowfish were:
>1 - It is unpatented and Royalty free.
>2 - Can use a key from 32 to 448 bits.
>3 - Is faster than DES or IDEA.
>4 - (so far) has not been cracked.
>5 - Is reasonably straight-forward to implement.
>Basically its a symmetric block cypher that uses a 16 round Feistel Netw
that uses 64
>bit blocks (ie; it uses private keys - there is no public key). As usual
Key management
>presents its own problems and this technique is really only useful where

the key does
>not change frequently.
>Rexx was ideal for prototyping the stage - was quick to develop and test
But to be of
>any practical use I had to rewrite it in Assembler - and this runs about

400 times faster
>that the Rexx version. It uses 2 input streams - one supplies the key, t
other is the
>data to be encrypted - which can be a stream of data of any length, so y
can encrypt
>anything from a word to a large file of data. There is one output stream
>But downside to this reply, is that the code is not mine (though I wrote

it) but belongs to
>my employer and I am not permitted to distribute it. But maybe I have be
able to
>suggest to you an approach that works.
>Best wishes,
>Simon Knights.

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