Title: MDC, Storage, xstore, and cache on External dasd.

Hello Everyone,

        I have found some time here to re-evaluate some parameters.

        We have a large amount of Cache (6 gig) on the EMC box.  The EMC is doing lots of


        I am wondering about the overhead of the dual caching and the benefits.  

It seems to me that having MDC on for the system is just overhead and dual caching.

z/VM side

q cache 740                         

0740 CACHE 0 available for subsystem

0740 CACHE 1 available for subsystem

06324150K Bytes configured          

06324150K Bytes available           

00000000K Bytes offline             

00000000K Bytes pinned              


0740 CACHE activated for device

VSE/ESA side

cache subsys=740,status                                      

AR 0015 SUBSYSTEM CACHING STATUS: ACTIVE                     

AR 0015         CACHE FAST WRITE: ACTIVE                     

AR 0015            CACHE STORAGE: CONFIG.  .......   6324150K

AR 0015            CACHE STORAGE: AVAIL.   .......   6324150K

AR 0015               NVS STATUS: AVAILABLE                  

AR 0015              NVS STORAGE: CONFIG.  .......    196608K

AR 0015 1I40I  READY                                         

cache subsys=740,report                                                      

AR 0015 3990-E9 SUBSYSTEM COUNTERS REPORT                                    

AR 0015 VOLUME 'RAM040' DEVICE ID=X'00'                                      

AR 0015                               CHANNEL OPERATIONS                     

AR 0015                 <----SEARCH/READ----> <-------------WRITE------------>

AR 0015                 <----SEARCH/READ----> <-------------WRITE------------>

AR 0015                    TOTAL   CACHE-READ    TOTAL  CACHE-WRITE DASD-FAST 

AR 0015 REQUESTS                                                              

AR 0015   NORMAL         837170781  824709019    7467393    7463857    7467393

AR 0015   SEQUENTIAL      13620747   13148843     168445     168286     168445

AR 0015   CACHE FAST WRT         0          0          0          0        N/A

AR 0015                                                                       

AR 0015 TOTALS           850791528  837857862    7635838    7632143    7635838

AR 0015                                                                       

AR 0015 REQUESTS                                                              

AR 0015   INHIBIT CACHE LOADING             0                                 

AR 0015   BYPASS CACHE                     31                                 

AR 0015                                                                       

AR 0015 DATA TRANSFERS             DASD->CACHE          CACHE->DASD           

AR 0015   NORMAL                      9571687                762405           

AR 0015   SEQUENTIAL                  1600428                   N/A           

AR 0015 1I40I  READY                                                          

Ed Martin

Aultman Health Foundation



ext. 40441

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