Ed--All of the suggestions/solutions so far, I think, have you running CPFMTXA which depends on VM being up and running. You said that you sere seeing another problem now in addition to what you originally had seen. I think that it would be very prudent to have a stand alone ICKDSF tape handy as well as an ALLOC MAP and an ICKDSF ref card or manual just in case things really go to pot and you can't run VM. Under the cover, CPFTMXA calls ICKDSF CPVOL. Just use it and reformat your PAGE areas. An SPXTAPE DUMP of your spool to include, at least, your DCSS's and NSS's might be a good idea also.

At 12:43 PM 7/21/2006, you wrote:
Hello Mike, Alan, and others,

        Thanks,  I was hazy on step 4.   The paging area will be used
until the next z/VM IPL.   Good. =20

        Now to find that new paging area.=20

Ed Martin=20
Aultman Health Foundation
ext. 40441

Jim Bohnsack
Cornell Univ.
(607) 255-1760

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