Hi, Mace.

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Larry_Macioce?= wrote:
OK .. First. let me preface this with this is the smartest bunch I know on the subject of VM. AND no I didn't take a class on how to kiss up.
Second.. I've looked into this once before and was told NO WAY..BUT

I've been given the task of finding out if windows and windows apps can run on the z/890 and z/VM. I've told the uppers that windows type apps can run under Linux BUT no pure windows and/or windows apps. I tried to explain the machine architecture wouldn't allow windows to execute. BUT I was told that other research has been done and I was wrong. The argument I got was "well it runs on apple computers now" to which I replied” the code had to be developed to do so”. The argument of mine didn't carry water so I'm asking the experts on this board, JUST incase I'm wrong or I've missed an announcement from IBM and BILLY I thought I'd come here and ask.

hummmmm, I think I see your problem here, it's your management....:-)
What they may be thinking about when they state that Windows apps can run on mainframes is the stuff that Platform Solutions ( http://www.platform-solutions.com/) is putting out about their server, being Intel-based, can run Windows, Linux and z/OS at the same time. z/VM is not included in the mix because they can't get their SIE emulation to work the way it should (tricky stuff, that mainframe virtualization...:-)

You certainly can run the Linux based Intel emulator BOCH (sp?) on a mainframe Linux image and then install and run windows on top of that...Adam Thornton of Sine Nomine Assoc. did just such a thing when his supply of cough syrup ran low one winter's night. However, as others have noted, the performance was less than stellar....

The reason Windows runs on Apple Computers now is because, as I understand the situation, Apple switched from using Power chips to Intel chips in their boxes.....

Hope this is of some help.

Have a good one.


thanks Mace

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